IUCN Regional Conservation Fora brings together IUCN Members and other constituents across each region of the world to discuss biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.
The IUCN community is deeply saddened by the death of former IUCN Councillor Andrew Bignell, and wishes to pay tribute to his many contributions to the Union and to the cause of nature conservation.
The entirety of protected area management and governance has been available in one book since the IUCN World Parks Congress 2014, in Sydney. The Spanish version of this publication, 'Protected Area Governance and Management’, was launched in Lima, on 15 October 2019, at the third Latin American…
Malta was granted €1.3 million through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development to co-finance a project entitled "Natura 2000 Management Planning for Malta and Gozo".
The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA), as part of its commitment to set up inventories of important trees and woodlands in Malta, has designated 30 Tree Protection Areas in 2011 and a further 30 in 2017.
Malta, 31 May 2017 – Representatives of European Member States, the European Commission marine specialists and stakeholders convened with IUCN and the Environment & Resources Authority - on behalf of the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU - to discuss the protection of European seas…