Comunicado de prensa | 27 Ago, 2012

Put nature first -- IUCN World Conservation Congress

And we’re off! Beginning on 6 September, IUCN kicks off its World Conservation Congress—the birthplace of ground-breaking environmental conventions, scientific discoveries and global initiatives. The focus of Congress is to bring together different parts of society and constructively discuss environmental issues and solutions. From global environmental challenges to local Korean debates, join IUCN at Congress to hear new insight and key agreements on how to manage our natural environment.

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Photo: Jeju

Media registration:

Key Issues:

• Nature+ is about boosting natural resilience.
• Conservation works.
• Nature provides solutions to climate change adaptation.

Opportunities/Material for Media:

• Media briefing - Seoul Foreign Correspondents Club - 15H00 Monday, 3 September
• Video On Demand of main events and major press conferences:
• A dedicated web portal with features, news, audio, video and photos for media to download:
• Daily press briefings and meet the press sessions during Congress, including:
- Green List of Protected Areas
- Latest on coral survival
- Protected Planet Report
- Latest from TEEB, WBCSD and World Bank
• Access to one-on-one interviews with VIP attendees at Congress
• Photo opportunities–a range of events will be organized in Jeju Island
• World Leaders Dialogues: major names discussing the big environmental issues of the day
• Daily on-the-ground stories from Congress via host broadcaster feed, IUCN’s website and social media channels

Some of the many VIP attendees at Congress:
- H.R.H. Prince Carl Philip (Sweden)             - Sylvia Earle (American author and oceanographer)
- Bharrat Jagdeo (former President of Guyana)   - Iruka (Japanese singer & songwriter)
- Peter Bakker (Pres, WBCSD)                             - Bianca Jagger (social and human rights advocate)
- Michael Mack (CEO, Syngenta)                        - Lyonpo Kinzang  Dorji (Former Prime Minister, Bhutan)
- Suk-Chae Lee (Chairman, Korea Telecom)       - Mattias Klum (Photographer, National Geographic)
- Malouma (Mauritanian singer & songwriter) - Cristián Samper (CEO, Wildlife Conservation Society)
- Achim Steiner  (Executive Director, UNEP) - Maurice Strong (former Under-Sec Gen of the UN)
- Rachel Kyte (VP of Sust Dev, The World Bank) - Guillaume Le Cunff (Int Mkt & Strategy Dir, Nespresso)

Spokespersons: Julia Marton-Lefèvre, Director General of IUCN; Nature + Climate Change: Stewart Maginnis, IUCN’s Global Director of Nature Based Solutions, e; Nature + People: Gonzalo Oviedo, IUCN Senior Adviser, Social Policy, e; Nature + Development: Andrew Seidl, Head of IUCN Economics and Environment Programme, e; Nature + Life: Jane Smart, IUCN Global Director Biodiversity Conservation Group, Species Programme, e; Nature + Food: Mark Smith, Director, IUCN Global Water Programme, e

Media team: Maggie Roth, IUCN Media Relations, m +41 79 104 2460, e; Brian Thomson, Media Relations, m +41 79 721 8326, e  

For more information about the IUCN World Conservation Congress:
• Congress website:
• Congress fact sheets:
• IUCN on Korean environmental issues:
• Image gallery:
• Videos of Congress themes:
- Nature+ climate:  
- Nature+ development:
- Nature+ food:
- Nature+ life:
- Nature+ people and governance:

About IUCN
IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges. IUCN is the world’s oldest and largest global environmental organization, with more than 1,200 government and NGO members and almost 11,000 volunteer experts in some 160 countries.
IUCN’s work is supported by over 1,000 staff in 45 offices and hundreds of partners in public, NGO and private sectors around the world.,,,
Official Congress hashtag: #IUCN2012