Artículo | 16 Jun, 2016

Reef Manager’s Guide to Stewardship

"Helping people work together to improve the outlook for coral reefs and communities"

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Photo: A Reef Manager's Guide to Fostering Community Stewardship

After the success of the first edition “Reef Manager’s Guide to Coral Bleaching”, here is the next publication in the series: "A Reef Manager’s Guide to Fostering Community Stewardship" which is a combination of both theoretical and practical guidance intended for coral reef managers to best use the power of community stewardship as main component of coral reef conservation and sustainable use programs.

Worldwide scientists running stewardship projects in Australia, Caribbean, Pacific and Indian Ocean regions are sharing their expertise in this detailed Guide which has been published thanks to : US National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, The Nature Conservancy, US Agency for International Development, University of Queensland, SymbioSeas and Reef Ecologic.