Artículo | 23 Sep, 2016

Enhancing large Marine Protected Areas (Big MPAs) manager engagement in the Eastern Pacific

The project involves IUCN facilitating meetings between the management of the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA), the Marae Moana of the Cook Islands, the natural park of the Coral Sea (New Caledonia), and the Pacific Remote Island Marine National Monument USA (PRIMNM) – four of the world’s largest Marine Parks.

It is being facilitated by a grant from the US Embassy. The meetings strengthen cross-MPA cooperation in areas such as: capacity building of management committees, policy reviews, sustainable financing mechanism, research, surveillance and enforcement amongst others.

To ensure that the relationship and support networks developed between the governments responsible for the four large MPAs are maintained and broadened out to others, IUCN will look continuing to convene these co-learning events.