Artículo | 31 Mar, 2019

IUCN welcomes the Kingdom of Bahrain as new State Member

IUCN ROWA looks forward to a mutually rewarding cooperation between the Kingdom of Bahrain Government and the Regional Office 

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Photo: IUCN

It is with great pleasure that IUCN has received the official notification from the Kingdom of Bahrain to adhere to the IUCN Statutes and become a State Member of the Union, bringing the number of IUCN State Members to 86.

IUCN welcomes the Kingdom of Bahrain to the IUCN family, the world’s biggest environmental network.  The adhesion of the Kingdom of Bahrain as a State Member of IUCN will not only enhance IUCN’s presence in the region but also strengthen the Union’s capacity to influence governments, civil society and the private sector in the good governance of the world’s natural resources and environment.

Welcoming the Kingdom of Bahrain to IUCN ROWA network, Dr Hany El –Shaer, the Director of ROWA said: “Bahrain is a country of diverse natural, marine and wildlife. The country’s diverse resources and cultural, and its growing efforts in the area of nature conservation make us proud to welcome the Kingdom of Bahrain as a new State Member of our Union. We are looking forward to formulating different forms of collaboration between Bahrain and IUCN.”

The Kingdom of Bahrain’s Government has taken serious steps to contribute to the world’s efforts on nature conservation. The Government has developed the Supreme Council for Environment to assist preserving and managing the country’s environment, natural and marine resources, wildlife and biodiversity. The Supreme Council for Environment places a strong emphasis on the concept that all sectors of development, whether economic, political or social will achieve their goals in better means when they take into consideration the preservation of the environment.

As a result of its high values and dedicated work, Bahrain’s Public Commission for the Protection of Marine Resources, Environment and Wildlife received the international 'Green Apple' Environment Award in 2005 from the Green Organization based in the UK. The award was handed to the commission for setting up the “Hafira” Industrial Landfill Site, and for its initiative in providing an area which allows safe disposal of dangerous waste.