Noticias | 08 Jul, 2022

The IUCN Green List: Sharing Experiences at the 2nd Asia Parks Congress

On May 26th 2022 at the 2nd Asia Parks Congress in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, the IUCN Protected and Conserved Areas team held an event on the IUCN Green List to share experiences and celebrate the success of key partners and stakeholders who have pioneered the IUCN Green List in Asia. 

The Green List event was a key highlight at the Congress, identifying the most important actions needed in the next decade to strengthen systems of protected and conserved areas across the region, which is in line with the conference’s theme 'Parks for Nature and People'. The objective of the event was to raise the profile of the IUCN Green List as a framework for area-based conservation and highlight the key benefits of using the Green List to improve the quality of protected and conserved areas.

The event also celebrated the progress and commitments to date, and recognised the partners and stakeholders who have successfully used the IUCN Green List in the Asia region. Key stakeholders and partners provided an update on the status of the IUCN Green List in Asia and discussed the plans for its future implementation.

The IUCN Green List

The IUCN Green List is the first sustainability standard comprising of 17 criteria and 50 indicators for assessing and enhancing the governance and management of protected and conserved areas. The use of the IUCN Green List can lead to tangible improvements on the ground for the management and governance of protected and conserved areas.

 “Good governance in the Green List is all about inclusiveness, equity and rights. It is about giving a voice to the people that matter in conservation, and conserving area-based conservation efforts”, stated Mr. Khalid Pasha, IUCN Asia Green List Regional Coordinator.

Today, the IUCN Green List has 30 jurisdictions in 60 green listed areas in 60+ countries across the globe, while more than 600 sites are engaging in the Green List process at various stages. In Asia, 11 sites have been green listed, while 6 additional countries are being engaged.

The ambition is to engage at least half of the Asian countries through regional conventions and network building, including all High Ambition Coalition (HAC) members, and to secure at least 300 sites across the globe for achieving Green List in this decade. A key enabler will be to enhance synergy between the IUCN Green List Standard and the management effectiveness tools that are currently being implemented at regional and national levels, also with species-targeted standards like CA|TS and CA|RDS.

The IUCN Green List impacts a total of 14 Sustainable Development Goals and 41 targets, as well as actively contributing to the UN Biodiversity Convention’s Aichi Target 11 and towards the achievement of the Post2020 GBF goals (especially target 3), in relation to the 30by30.

“One of the biggest merits of the IUCN Green List process is that it recognises the importance of the role of good governance in effective management of Protected and Conserved Areas (PCAs). The Green List also provides a global benchmark for PCAs as a diagnostic tool to monitor and operationalise site management plans and measure the progress in contributing towards achievement of area-based conservation for national and global targets for achieving 30x30” stated Dr. Dindo Campilan, Regional Director at IUCN Asia.

“IUCN Green list is a mechanism for expressing the optimism that we can contribute to the conservation of nature through equitably governed and effectively managed systems of protected areas”, stated Professor Marc Hockings from World Commission on Protected and Conserved Areas (WCPA)

The Sugud Islands Marine Conservation Area (SIMCA) – globally recognised as a well-managed Protected Area

Through the Green List, SIMCA is now recognised globally as a well-managed Protected Area – the first of its kind in Malaysia. This historic recognition was announced at the 2nd Asia Parks Congress in Sabah, Malaysia.

SIMCA is the first co-managed marine protected area in Malaysia. Located within the Sulu Sea region, SIMCA encompasses 46,317 hectares and includes three islands – Lankayan, Billean and Tegaipil. SIMCA is home to at least 600 species of fish, 300 species of corals, 2 species of sea turtles, 6 species of giant clams and 26 species of seagrass and algae.

Dr Achier Chung, Reef Guardian, “We, the Reef Guardian team, feel delighted and proud to have the Sugud Islands Marine Conservation Area (SIMCA) recognised on this international platform, honouring our hard work in managing SIMCA since 2004. All of SIMCA's achievements result from the collaborations and partnerships from many individuals as well as different government and private agencies, which shape the SIMCA's operational strategies along the way. We are hopeful that this recognition will garner external support and funding opportunities from local and international parties to further enhance the SIMCA governance and management."

 “We hope this successful Green List site in Malaysia will inspire the rest of us in Asia towards the journey to the Green List.” - Dr. Henry Chan, Conservation Director, WWF-Malaysia

Northern Vietnam's largest wetland with its Green List status

Vietnam's Van Long Nature Reserve was recognised at the recent Asia Parks Congress, for a second time, for its excellence in achieving effective and equitable nature conservation. In 2020, Van Long became the first protected area to receive the IUCN Green List certificate in Vietnam and in Southeast Asia. The largest wetland in northern Vietnam, situated just 85km south of Hanoi, is a jewel of caves, underground streams, limestone karst outcrops, marshes and swamps all set around a serene lake.

For more information, please contact:

Khalid Pasha, IUCN Asia Green List Coordinator:

Noor Ali, IUCN Asia Communications Officer: