Caribbean Research & Management of Biodiversity Foundation

Caribbean Research and Management of Biodiversity (CARMABI) is a non-profit foundation on the island of Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean, established in 1955 as a marine research institute During the years the organization focused more and more on nature management and environmental education, as such enhancing the original goals of the foundation. CARMABI was founded as a marine biological research station in 1955. From the start, aside from research, applied nature conservation and education were also important areas of activity brought together in 1962 under the allied National Parks Foundation. His Royal Highness, the late Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, laid the first stone of the institute. Now the organization has 4 pillars on which it works; Scientific research on both marine and terrestrial ecological subjects, nature management of marine and terrestrial parks, environmental education and public advise and consultancy to third parties. Besides these four pillars the institute has a support division including the laboratories, library and technical support. CARMABI headquarters lies 5 minutes from downtown Willemstad and 10 minutes from the Hato International Airport. Today CARMABI provides facilities and logistical support to upwards of 70 visiting researchers and graduate students per year, manages nine protected areas on Curacao, the largest of which is the 1860 hectare Christoffelpark, and runs an educational program reaching about 12000 school children per year. Combined research output by staff and visiting researchers amounts to about 25 scholarly publications and reports per year. CARMABI is an active and founding member of the Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC), DCNA, Member of IUCN, and the Caribbean Conservation association. The foundation has a board, currently consisting of 5 representaives and a total of about 30 people, both staff and semi-volunteers who work at the institute in all the departments and divisions.

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Caribbean Research & Management of Biodiversity Foundation
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