Balochistan Rural Support Programme

BRSP is an autonomous and not-for-profit organization endeavoring for improving the living conditions of poor for the last two decades in the rural areas of Balochistan. BRSP's history goes back to the “Pak-German self-help Project” which was initiated in 1983 under collaboration with federal Republic of Germany and Government of Pakistan. The project was implemented by the Local Government Department with the technical support of GTZ (German Agency for Technical Cooperation). Social mobilization is the bedrock of all BRSP development initiatives. BRSP organizes and builds the capacities of communities at the grassroots level to pursue their own development agenda through an integrated sectorial need based interventions such as community physical infrastructure, health, education, environmental conservation, water, sanitation and human resource development in order to contribute to sustainable development and improving the quality of life of rural poor. BRSP has supported to foster more than 10,173 Community Organizations (COs), 473 village-based organizations (VOs) and 33 Local Support Organizations (LSOs).

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Balochistan Rural Support Programme
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