Zavod Za Zastitu Prirode Srbije

1. Participation in the drafting of proposed legislation; 2. Scientific research in the whole territory of Serbia for the purpose of identification landscape areas and natural phenomena which need to be placed under legislative protection; 3. Expert supervision for protected natural assets; 4. Providing expert and consulting services for guardians of natural assets; 5. Definition of conditions and opinions on activities in the protected natural assets; 6. Participation in the production of regional-planning documentation (regional plans); 7. Issuance of licenses for collection of natural species ; 8. Publishing; 9. Museum operation activities; 10. Programs of education public awarenes and participation in nature protection for various age and target groups (students, teachers, local population, managers, reporters); 11. Contacts with media, organization of presentation and promotions.

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Zavod Za Zastitu Prirode Srbije
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