Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement

CIRAD is a French research centre working with developing countries to tackle international agricultural and development issues. Status CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development) is a public industrial and commercial enterprise (EPIC) under the joint authority of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mandate CIRAD works with the whole range of developing countries to generate and pass on new knowledge, support agricultural development and fuel the debate on the main global issues concerning agriculture. CIRAD is a targeted research organization, and bases its operations on development needs, from field to laboratory and from a local to a global scale. Activities CIRAD's activities involve the life sciences, social sciences and engineering sciences, applied to agriculture, food and rural territories. CIRAD works hand-in-hand with local people and the local environment, on complex, ever-changing issues: food security, ecological intensification, emerging diseases, the future of agriculture in developing countries, etc. Scientific strategy CIRAD's operations centre on six priority lines of research. It primarily works through joint research platforms (14 worldwide and seven in the French overseas regions). Partnerships CIRAD has a global network of partners and of twelve regional offices, from which it conducts joint operations with more than 90 countries. Its bilateral partnerships fit in with multilateral operations of regional interest. In metropolitan France, it provides the national and global scientific communities with extensive research and training facilities, primarily in Montpellier. CIRAD is a founding member of Agreenium , the national consortium for agriculture, food, animal health and the environment, and a member of the Alliance nationale de coordination de la recherche pour l’environnement. CIRAD in figures A staff of 1800, including 800 researchers. Joint

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Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement
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