Fondation pour la Protection de la Biodiversité Marine

Locally founded and based NGO working on environmental issues in general and coastal and marine issues in particular. Throughout FoProBiM’s over two decades of existence it has been, and remains, the only Haitian operated and Haiti-based NGO dedicated to the protection and management of Haiti’s coastal and marine ecosystems and adjacent watersheds. In its ongoing efforts to monitor and protect the environment, and biodiversity in particular, FoProBiM works with watershed and coastal area inhabitants including women’s groups, youth, farmers, fishers, and those making use of environmental resources through a wide variety of sectors such as tourism, fuel production, transportation, marketing, processing, etc. Currently FoProBiM is capable of providing various types of project expertise including design, management, and execution in the fields of education, advocacy, scientific, and technical training and support.

Member at a glance

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Fondation pour la Protection de la Biodiversité Marine
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