Haashar Association
Haashar Association is a Non-Profit, Non-Governmental organization working since year 2000. It is an off-shoot of a GTZ funded Siran Forest Development Project which pioneered Joint Forest Management in Pakistan. Initially Haashar focused on strengthening and supporting nascent Joint Forest Management Committees and Natural Resource Management interventions. However, in the post-earthquake scenario and with development of new development paradigm, program areas were expanded to include Community based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM), Poverty Alleviation through Sustainable Livelihood Approaches (SLA), Food Security, Emergency, Relief and Rehabilitation/Reconstruction, Disaster Risk Management/Reduction, Quality Education with special focus on Girls, Protection and rights based Advocacy. Capacity building, Gender and Environment are our cross cutting themes in all program areas. Haashar ensures transparency and accountability at all levels through standardized CRM and HAP practices. Haashar has the privilege to work through financial and technical assistance of national and international donors like GTZ, German Embassy, WWF-Scientific Committee, UNDP (GEF and PTF Programs), Plan International, UNICEF, Eco Himal/ADA, Concern worldwide (through OFDA/EC/RAPID), CHF/CIDA, Misereor Germany and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) . Over last 13 years of community service, Haashar has utilized PKR.80.4 million with generous financial and technical support of national and international donor community. Haashar works in close liaison with Government Line Agencies (GLA’s). Haashar has implemented projects in partnership with ERRA through DRU and District Disaster Management Unit (DDMU).
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