Reptile Amfibieën Vissen Onderzoek Nederland

RAVON stands for Reptile, Amphibian and Fish Conservation Netherlands. The RAVON Foundation is a non governmental organisation (NGO) with 1800 volunteers, more than 1000 contributors and 28 professional staff members with offices in Nijmegen and Amsterdam. We inform and educate, conserve species and their habitats, organise two national monitoring networks and collect distribution data for the conservation of reptiles, amphibians and fish in the Netherlands. We also give advice and carry out research for a wide range of clients. The contributors and volunteers support the conservation and research of reptiles, amphibians and fish. They collect distribution data and monitoring information, and carry out ecological field research. The staff members in Nijmegen and Amsterdam coordinate, guide, educate, inform, instruct and support the volunteers.

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Reptile Amfibieën Vissen Onderzoek Nederland
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