The Development Institute

The Development Institute (DI) is not for profit, non-governmental and non-sectoral organisation working in the Greater Accra, Volta and Western regions in Ghana. Dl focuses on sustainable development through building local level participatory capacity in environmental and human security, decentralization and governance, natural resource enterprises, climate change/water adaptations ,biodiversity and livelihoods through participatory policy studies, dialogue and advocacy. Dl began its activities in 2001, registered with the Registrar General in 2003, and received official rec,ognition by the Social Welfare Department in June 2005. The organization has a nine-member board which is the highest decision-making body of the organization, an Executive Director who is the head of the secretariat in Accra, and three units: Finance and Administration, Human and Environmental Security, and Policy and Research. All staff at Dl falls under the above-stated units.lt has has three categories of staff namely full time,part-time and volunteers.

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The Development Institute
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