Association for Rural Area Social Modification, Improvement and Nestling

ARASMIN has strong belief on Community Sector Partnership and this is being used as a powerful weapon that provides enormous support for our accomplishment and success in different developmental activities, because of its Top Ten significant Social values. So, our Objectives, Planning and Strategies are based upon the Community Sector Partnership and Nature-based solutions, which have provided lots of experience, success and illustrations in past. Hence, we follow and accelerate the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations and the top 10 Principles of United Nations Global Compact to strengthen the Environment and the Planet with a holistic approach to achieving significant sustainable development goals for subsistence livelihoods. In view of the above fact, ARASMIN is committed to the principle that all the creatures have an enduring claim to sustainable space on this planet. So, it believes that the human beings of today have the responsibility to share Earth’s resources with other creatures and future generations by limiting their adverse impact on the planet and by enriching and protecting Earth’s Wildlife, Habitats and Fresh Water by means of Natural process. Hence, the Organization promotes, protects and restores the Natural Resources on the Earth for the broadest possible biodiversity, fosters respect for other species and individual creatures, work to limit the detrimental human impact on the planet to save the people from the severe attacks of the Floods, Hurricanes, Cyclones, Super cyclones and the severe impacts of the devastating Tsunamis by developing the Mangrove Forests which are providing a vulnerable support like Food Security and Lively-hood support for the Coastal dweller Fisher Community. The missionary zeal of our team claims to have a projection so called our ultimate mission. Our Educative Community Organizations are to protect the standing elements of the Society counter parting the accelerations. Hence, inceptions of development replace it with fruitful streams to join the mainstream.

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Association for Rural Area Social Modification, Improvement and Nestling
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