Javno preduzeće za nacionalne parkove Crne Gore

The Public Enterprise for National Parks of Montenegro, established in 1993 in Podgorica, is managing with five Montenegrin National Parks (Durmitor, Biogradska gora, Lovcen, Skadar Lake and Prokletije). This is realized through protection, improvement, promotion and sustainable use of natural and landscape values of national parks. Public enterprise takes care and implements measures from five year Management Programs and one year Management Plans. The Public Enterprise has 160 employees. It is managed by the Management Board and Director appointed by the government on the proposal of the responsible Minister. The Management Board makes decisions and manages the Enterprise, and the realization of those decisions and operating of the enterprise is provided by the Director.The internal organization of the Public Enterprise is defined by the Statute and Rulebook on organization and systematization of working places. The Enterprise has four different departments : - Department for Development and Protection - Department for Promotion, Marketing and Education - Finance Department - Department of Law

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Javno preduzeće za nacionalne parkove Crne Gore
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