Echo of Persia Wildlife

EPW is a non governmental, non profit foundation for conservation of wildlife and biodiversity Officially established in 2009Conservation and protection of wildlife and biodiversity. EPW has 2 board of directors , 8 staffs ,and about 70 volunteers. Several projects with focus on vulnerable species such as Persian Leopard (Panthera pardus) ,Brown bear (Ursus arctos) , Pleske’s Ground Jay (Podoces pleskei), Persian Wild Ass (Equus onager), Caspian Seal (Pusa caspica), several documentaries such as Alborz Markazi Brown Bear , Parishan Protected Area, Parvar Protected Area , Asiatic Cheetah , Pleske’s Ground Jay, endemic bird of Iran , Hormod Protected area have been done so far.

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Echo of Persia Wildlife
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