Biodiversity And Nature Conservation Association

Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association (BANCA) is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious and a local environmental NGO out of a few environmental NGOs working in Myanmar. Although BANCA was officially recognized by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Union of Myanmar on 18, June 2004, BANCA has been active since 2002. BANCA’s registered charity number is Local/0145. BANCA strongly believes that conservation programs can be accomplished successfully only if it is backed up with community development. Regarding BANCA’s Administrative hierarchy, there are 7 Board of Governance and 7 Senior Management Team members headed by a Executive Director. The backbone of BANCA at the moment is recruited with competent ornithologists along with botanists, foresters, zoologists, social scientists, mammalogists, geologists, environmental scientists, marine biologists and herpetologists among others. Since its establishment in 2004, BANCA has been in close collaboration with international organizations like BirdLife International Indo-China Program and Asia Program, RSPB, InstuitoOikos,and FFI. The main focal ministry is Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation.

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Biodiversity And Nature Conservation Association
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