Azad Jammu & Kashmir Environmental Protection Agency

Azad Jammu & Kashmir Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is established under an Act of the Assembly, namely— AJ&K Environmental Protection Act, 2000—aimed at providing for the protection, conservation, rehabilitation and improvement of the environment — prevention and control of pollution and promotion of sustainable development in AJ&K. AJK-EPA excercise the powers and perform the functions assigned to it under the provision of this Act and its rules and regulations made there under. AJK-EPA is headed by Director General. Besides, an Environmental Tribunal comprising Chairman (Judge of the High Court) and two Members is also established for hearing and disposal of environmental complaints/litigation filed before the Environmental Tribunal. Similarly, an Environmental Protection Council—headed by the Prime Minister of the State of Azad Jammu & Kashmir—with diverse membership from amongest all stakeholders, is also established to oversee the functions of the EPA.

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Azad Jammu & Kashmir Environmental Protection Agency
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