IUCN at the World Heritage Committee
The World Heritage Committee is the governing body on World Heritage and meets every year. The Committee takes decisions on whether a property is inscribed on the World Heritage List, and may request States Parties to take action when sites are facing major conservation threats or are not being adequately managed. As its Advisory Body on nature, IUCN prepares and presents its recommendations to the World Heritage Committee regarding the inscription of new sites, assesses sites’ state of conservation, prepares draft decisions, and provides advice to States Parties.
To help maintain the highest possible standards in our delivery, IUCN's work on World Heritage is guided by the following principles:
- Partnership is paramount. All our activities are carried out in partnership with other organizations and stakeholders, particularly the World Heritage Centre, the other Advisory Bodies to the Convention (ICOMOS and ICCROM), and States Parties.
- Sound science is essential. One of the Union's major strengths is its high level of scientific credibility, consistency and objectivity. We maintain this by drawing on the expertise of our scientific networks – particularly the WCPA and SSC.
- Problems require practical solutions. An important part of our work is to identify threats to World Heritage sites, but we aim to go beyond mere reporting to seeking practical and innovative solutions to address these threats.
- Consistency with global agendas and policies. Throughout our advice IUCN is guided by policy positions on the Global Biodiversity Framework, the incompatibility of World Heritage status with oil/gas/mining (no-go commitment), human-rights based approaches, the Guidance and Toolkit for Impact Assessment in a World Heritage Context, and other policies and advice notes.
Past news from IUCN at World Heritage Committee meetings
IUCN AT #46WHC (2024)
31 Jul, 2024
The curtain has just come down on the 46th Session of the World Heritage Committee in New Delhi, and it is time for IUCN’s traditional closing blog on the highlights of “46COM”.
26 Jul, 2024
New Delhi, India, 26 July 2024 - The UNESCO World Heritage Committee have followed advice from IUCN – as the official advisor on nature - to inscribe five new sites on the World Heritage List and…
21 Jul, 2024
The 46th session of the World Heritage Committee meeting opens today in New Delhi, India, where over the next 10 days, the Committee will decide which potential sites will be added onto the…
Evento externo
21 Jul, 2024
The 46th session of the World Heritage Committee meeting opens today in New Delhi, India, where over the next 10 days, the Committee will decide which potential sites will be added onto the…
IUCN at #45WHC (2023)
21 Sep, 2023
The World Heritage Committee has enlarged natural World Heritage areas by more than 100 million hectares, an area roughly 26 times the size of Switzerland.
27 Sep, 2023
The extended 45th session of the World Heritage Committee has just closed here in Riyadh, a mammoth event covering two years of work instead of the normal one. IUCN has had a good meeting, with a…
21 Sep, 2023
Cold Winter Deserts of Turan and Tugay Forests of the Tigrovaya Balka Nature Reserve are newly added to the UNESCO World Heritage List, following IUCN’s advice and the dedicated work of national…
06 Sep, 2023
Gland, Switzerland 6 September 2023 (IUCN) – The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), as the official advisor on nature to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, recommends…
IUCN at #44WHC (2021)
Declaración de la UICN
29 Jul, 2021
IUCN acknowledges the World Heritage Committee’s decision to inscribe the Kaeng Krachan Forest Complex onto the World Heritage List, and the commitment expressed by the State Party of Thailand to…
Comunicado de prensa
23 Jul, 2021
Gland, Switzerland, 23 July 2021 (IUCN) – IUCN’s call for urgent action to address impacts from climate change and poor water quality affecting the Great Barrier Reef has been adopted by the World…
19 Jul, 2021
The World Heritage Committee today has decided to remove Salonga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo from the List of World Heritage in Danger. A mission carried out jointly by IUCN…
16 Jul, 2021
IUCN calls on governments gathering virtually today at UNESCO’s 44th World Heritage Committee meeting to take full account of the contributions of World Heritage sites in addressing biodiversity loss…
23 Jun, 2021
La UICN, el órgano consultivo oficial de naturaleza del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO, recomienda la inscripción de cuatro sitios naturales en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial en Peligro:…
05 Jun, 2021
La UICN, el órgano consultivo oficial de naturaleza del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO, recomienda dos nuevas inscripciones en la prestigiosa Lista del Patrimonio Mundial para sitios en…
IUCN at #43WHC
05 Dic, 2019
A strategic environmental assessment meant to guide decisions on the Rufiji hydropower project in Tanzania’s Selous Game Reserve World Heritage site is completely inadequate, according to an…
15 Jul, 2019
UNESCO’s annual World Heritage Committee meeting concluded on 10 July. After gathering input from the IUCN delegation he headed at the Committee, Peter Shadie, Director of IUCN’s World Heritage…
Comunicado de prensa
03 Jul, 2019
El Comité del Patrimonio Mundial ha seguido hoy el consejo de la UICN de incluir las Islas y Áreas Protegidas del Golfo de California de México en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial en Peligro. La…
Declaración de la UICN
27 Jun, 2019
Gland, Suiza - La Reserva de Caza de Selous en Tanzania se enfrenta a daños irreversibles si se sigue adelante con los planes de construcción de la presa de la Garganta de Stiegler, según la UICN –…
11 Jun, 2019
La UICN, como órgano consultivo oficial sobre Patrimonio Mundial natural, recomienda la inclusión de tres sitios naturales en la lista de "Patrimonio Mundial en Peligro": los Sundarbans en Bangladesh…
20 Mayo, 2019
El órgano consultivo oficial sobre Patrimonio Mundial natural, la UICN (Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza), recomienda que se inscriban cuatro nuevos sitios de Patrimonio…
12 Dic, 2018
The IUCN World Heritage Panel met last week to evaluate site nominations proposed for the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2019. Proposals for seven new natural heritage sites and one ‘mixed’ natural…
IUCN at #42WHC
11 Jul, 2018
Returning from the 42nd World Heritage Committee meeting in Manama, in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Peter Shadie, IUCN’s World Heritage Senior Advisor and head of the IUCN delegation at the Committee,…
04 Jul, 2018
Water is at the heart of human existence and development. But how do people manage this precious resource in arid landscapes, such as in the Arab region? What cultural practices have developed over…
03 Jul, 2018
“I respectfully encourage the representatives of each country present to think of my generation in decision-making regarding World Heritage sites – our barrier reef and our planet depend on it.” Thus…
Comunicado de prensa
02 Jul, 2018
Manama, Bahrain – Following IUCN’s advice, the World Heritage Committee has urged Yemen to halt any activity that may negatively impact on the unique wildlife and landscapes of the Socotra…
01 Jul, 2018
Discover the beauty of the new World Heritage sites inscribed during the 42nd World Heritage Committee meeting, following the advice of IUCN – the official advisor on natural World Heritage. Our…
Comunicado de prensa
28 Jun, 2018
Manama, Bahrain, 28 June 2018 (IUCN) – Lake Turkana National Parks in Kenya has been placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger today at UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee meeting, due to impacts…
27 Jun, 2018
Manama, Bahrain – A benefits concert taking place today at the World Heritage Committee meeting pays tribute to park rangers who were brutally killed while protecting Virunga National Park. It marks…
27 Jun, 2018
Manama, Bahrain – Tanzania has been urged to not proceed with plans to log 143,638 ha in the Selous Game Reserve today at UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee meeting, as recommended by the…
Comunicado de prensa
26 Jun, 2018
Manama, Bahrein, 26 de junio de 2018 (UICN) – La Red de reservas del arrecife de barrera de Belice –la segunda red de arrecifes de coral más grande del mundo después de la Gran Barrera– se ha…
18 Jun, 2018
El desarrollo incontrolado, las pesquerías insostenibles y las especies invasivas amenazan el Archipiélago de Socotra en el Yemen, según la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza …
29 Mayo, 2018
Según la Unión Internacional de Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN), organismo encargado de ofrecer asesoramiento al Comité del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO en materia de sitios naturales, se…
15 Mayo, 2018
La Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN), órgano consultivo oficial sobre Patrimonio Mundial natural, recomienda la inscripción de dos áreas muy extensas del Canadá y…
More information from UNESCO
Key habitats among new World Heritage sites