About our work
Moving beyond the initial phase, the key remit of this centre is to coordinate and support assessments and development of effective statutory conservation plans for all Australasian native species, as well as supporting the Reverse the Red movement.
The CSS Australasia works collaboratively with regional and national governments and other relevant stakeholders including ZAA members, to facilitate the use of IUCN tools and processes to support local data-driven analysis, science-based engagement, decision-making, and the development of strategic documents that contribute to species recovery through facilitation of multi-stakeholder conservation planning and action.
The CSS Australasia team works closely with the Commonwealth, State and Territory Authorities and the Threatened Species Scientific Committee to assess species for conservation listing and protection under Australia’s national environment legislation, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Beyond assessment, the Australasia team works closely with First Nations People, academics, government authorities, NGOs, community groups, Zoos, aquariums, sanctuaries and others to identify conservation needs, help plan effective and coordinated conservation measures, and mobilise action through establishing and coordinating National Recovery Teams.