Stiftung Artenschutz

Stiftung Artenschutz stands for an integrative approach to nature conservation that focuses on involving the local population in the decision-making processes, planning and protected area management. The creation of perspectives, income opportunities and the strengthening of civil society are important components of our projects. The activities of Stiftung Artenschutz in principle support the implementation of Strategic Goal C of the Convention on Biological Diversity ("To improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity"). Stiftung Artenschutz follows the One Plan Approach, a conservation approach that acknowledges the importance of in situ and ex situ conservation work, and sees wild and captive populations as equally important management units for conservation. Through the One Plan Approach, that is also the basis for the European Endangered Species Programs (EEP), Stiftung Artenschutz and its partners with their unique expertise and skills are ideal partners for the implementation of ex situ and in situ conservation activities.

Member at a glance

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Stiftung Artenschutz
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