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Artículo 08 Jul, 2024

Harnessing Blue Economy Potential: Scoping Study Unveils Business Solutions for Sustainable Development in Inhambane and Cabo Delgado Seascapes in Mozambique

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Photo: IUCN Mozambique

The Great Blue Wall (GBW) Initiative, launched in 2021, has been instrumental in driving Africa response to the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change, biodiversity loss, and economic instability. With a focus on harnessing the potential of seascapes linked by a living blue wall comprising mangroves, seagrasses, and corals, the initiative aims to achieve positive nature, livelihoods, and transformational gains.

Structured on three foundational pillars, the Blue Planet: Strengthening governance of seascapes; Blue Nature: Implementing bold nature-based solutions and coastal and marine ecosystem valuation; and Blue Economy: Creating sustainable blue jobs and leading a regenerative blue transformation, underpinned by partnerships and political momentum.

The Africa Blue Economy Strategy, Moroni Declaration, and the Head of States High-Level Panel on Regenerative Blue Economy highlight Mozambique's pivotal role in driving the regional blue economy agenda. Efforts are underway to develop a Regenerative Blue Economy Framework to guide policy and investment actions in key sectors of the blue economy, fostering research, innovation, indigenous people’s empowerment, and private sector engagement.

The Locally Empowered Areas of Protection (LEAP) Project, funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) is contributing to enhancing coastal and marine socio-ecological resilience and biodiversity conservation across Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, and Seychelles. By establishing equitable governance mechanisms and identifying blue economy opportunities to benefit local communities.

The LEAP project has commissioned a Scoping study on blue economy opportunities in Mozambique focusing in Inhambane and Cabo-Delgado provinces to influence future Blue Economy investments in Inhambane and Cabo Delgado and contribute for a robust Blue Economy action plan that is replicable for other areas of Mozambique and across the WIO region.

Through the study IUCN and Technoserve have established a blue economy baseline, engaging over 50 stakeholders involved in Mozambique’s blue economy sector (Government, NGOs, development actors, private companies, independent experts), prioritized blue economy opportunities in the scoping area as well as Identified 3-5 value chains across both provinces offering the greatest potential for inclusive employment opportunities, climate and environmental impact and operational feasibility.

The study also delivered key recommendations for strategic transformation of priority value chains, detailing required interventions to address existing barriers, and expected social, economic, and environmental impacts.

This assessment underscores the commitment of the Great Blue Wall (GBW) Initiative towards a sustainable and prosperous future for the WIO region. By fostering collaboration, innovation, and inclusive development, the initiative is poised to make enduring contributions to the conservation of our oceans and the well-being of coastal communities.

The executive summary report has been published on the Great Blue Wall website, and is available to download here.

For further information and updates on the Great Blue Wall Initiative, please visit the initiative's website: Home - GREAT BLUE WALL