Philip Bowles joined the Biodiversity Assessment Unit (BAU) in 2010, first with Conservation International and, since 2012, as an IUCN employee. Since 2011 he has also been the Coordinator of IUCN’s ...
Autoridad de la CSE de la UICN para la Lista Roja de Serpientes y Lagartos

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Mr Philip BOWLES
Philip Bowles joined the Biodiversity Assessment Unit (BAU) in 2010, first with Conservation International and, since 2012, as an IUCN employee. Since 2011 he has also been the Coordinator of IUCN’s Snake and Lizard Red List Authority. Phil works as a Programme Officer, organising and providing support for the BAU’s Red List assessments, with a particular focus on the ongoing Global Reptile Assessment. In this capacity he is the primary point of contact for IUCN’s snake and lizard assessments and responsible for liaising with IUCN’s reptile-themed Species Specialist Groups. Phil came to IUCN having completed Masters degrees in tropical ecology (James Cook University) and in taxonomy (Imperial College), including ecological research focusing on amphibians in Thailand and insects in the UK. He is an enthusiastic herpetologist, with field experience working with amphibians and reptiles in Australia, Southeast Asia and Madagascar. Phil is a keen photographer, and a number of his photographs of reptiles and amphibians have been included in the IUCN Red List.