Grupo de Comisión de la UICN
Autoridad de la Lista Roja de Invertebrados Terrestres y de Agua Dulce de la CSE de la UICN
Resumen y descripción
Nuestras actividades contribuyen al progreso continuo, aunque lento, hacia un Barómetro de la Vida significativo.
Liderazgo de grupo
Dr Monika BOHM
Red List Authority Coordinator
I am the Freshwater Conservation Coordinator at the Global Center for Species Survival at Indianapolis Zoo. Previous to this, my research primarily focused on the Sampled Red List Index (SRLI), which is derived from the IUCN Red List Index and aids the measurement of general trends in the extinction risk of large numbers of taxonomic groups, which are broadly representative of global biodiversity. As part of this I worked extensively on extinction risk assessments of lesser-known taxa. I also worked on other biodiversity indicators such as the Living Planet Index, as well as Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments and National Red Lists. I am a certified IUCN Red List trainer and have delivered Red List Training in several countries.
I am the Freshwater Conservation Coordinator at the Global Center for Species Survival at Indianapolis Zoo. Previous to this, my research primarily focused on the Sampled Red List Index (SRLI), which ...
Red List Authority Coordinator
My research work has covered taxonomy, ecology, evolution and conservation of a wide range of island plants and animals. Particular interests are molluscs, amphibians, reptiles and bats. Conservation work has focused on the biodiversity of the Seychelles islands and Pacific island tree snails. As Chair of the Terrestrial and Freshwater Invertebrate Red List Authority I am keen to increase the representativeness of the Red List through expanding the invertebrate coverage.
I teach first and second year undergraduate courses on Evolution and Ecology.
My research work has covered taxonomy, ecology, evolution and conservation of a wide range of island plants and animals. Particular interests are molluscs, amphibians, reptiles and bats. Conservation ...