Grupo de Comisión de la UICN

Grupo de Especialista en Invertebrados de las Islas Atlántico de la CSE de la UICN

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Resumen y descripción

Los invertebrados, concretamente los artrópodos y los moluscos, están especialmente amenazados en los ecosistemas insulares. El Grupo de Especialistas en Invertebrados de las Islas del Atlántico Medio ...

Los invertebrados, concretamente los artrópodos y los moluscos, están especialmente amenazados en los ecosistemas insulares. El Grupo de Especialistas en Invertebrados de las Islas del Atlántico Medio es una red de expertos dedicados a la ciencia necesaria para salvarlos, que apoya la conservación de los invertebrados en las siguientes islas: Gough, Tristán, Santa Elena, Ascensión, Cabo Verde, Canarias, Madeira, Azores y Santo Tomé y Príncipe.

Liderazgo de grupo

Prof Paulo BORGES

For many years I have been involved in island research using as model system the Macaronesian islands and in particular Azores, publishing extensively, with 80 published papers in ISI recognized…
For many years I have been involved in island research using as model system the Macaronesian islands and in particular Azores, publishing extensively, with 80 published papers in ISI recognized journals. From those, 60% are from the First Quartile in the areas of Ecology, Entomology and Multidisciplinary Sciences. I also published 11 books as author or editor (including the complete lists of the terrestrial biodiversity of Azores and Madeira archipelagos), and 54 book chapters. I have ongoing research projects with 12 Associate Research Fellows from seven countries. I also lead the development of the Azorean Biodiversity Portal (, a web interface for communicating biodiversity research in the Azorean region. I supervised already 13 Post-Doc projects, 6 Ph.D .students and 22 MSc Students, and I am currently supervising 5 Post-Docs and 8 Ph.D. Students. In the last three years I coordinated or participated in more than 20 projects. My current research is driven by three overarching objectives: i) collect long-term ecological data to investigate the processes affecting patterns of species diversity, abundance and distribution at different spatial scales; ii) use Macaronesia as a model system to investigate ecological and evolutionary mechanisms responsible for shaping island biotas; iii) identify pathways that impact oceanic indigenous assemblages under global change for conservation purposes



Invertebrate Conservation Specialist


Red List Authority Coordinator

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Nombre oficial:
Grupo de Especialista en Invertebrados de las Islas Atlántico de la CSE de la UICN