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Strategy and The Execution Plan of Ecosystem Restoration and Agroforestry for Al Ula

AlUla, a region with a unique natural environment and diverse ecosystems, has been a custodian of rich biodiversity and cultural heritage for centuries. However, in recent decades, human activities like droughts, overgrazing, wood cutting, and unorganized arid land cultivation have led to significant degradation. The Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) is deeply committed to preserving its natural beauty and restoring the ecosystem's health.

Sharaan Reserve in AlUla, Saudi Arabia

RCU has taken significant steps towards conserving nature and wildlife within AlUla. However, protection alone cannot fully restore degraded habitats beyond the protected lands. To address this, RCU is developing an ecological restoration and afforestation strategy for AlUla.

The main objective is to ensure the successful implementation of ecosystem restoration projects, aligned with RCU's vision, mission, and strategic objectives. This involves conducting comprehensive analyses, utilizing available data, and identifying priority areas for protection and rehabilitation through ecological surveys.

Additionally, the project will develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for ecosystem restoration, linked to Vision 2030, Saudi Green Initiative, and RCU's strategic objectives. Strategic guidelines, action plans, and a governance model will also be established for these efforts.

Institutionalizing ecosystem restoration will guarantee long-term sustainability, and building a robust knowledge base will aid in conservation strategies. The project aims to promote understanding of the economic values of restoration among decision-makers and local communities.

By forging strategic partnerships, RCU seeks to be recognized as a world-class arid ecosystem restoration center of excellence. The envisioned outcome is a revitalized AlUla, where nature and culture harmoniously coexist for generations to come.

Project implemented by: IUCN Regional Office for West Asia (ROWA)

Project funded by: Royal Commission for AlUla

The Operational Objectives:

  • Establish a solid and robust knowledge on the status and distribution of ecosystem restoration as the basis for conservation strategies development and management.
  • Promote better understanding of ecosystem restoration economic values and support among decision-makers and local people in AlUla County