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Arabian Pastoralist Communities(APCN) Network

The Arab Pastoral Communities Network (APCN) aims at reviving, documenting and developing the traditional knowledge of pastoral communities in the Arab Region. This knowledge will help in investing in the development of Bedouin pastoral groups and building their capacities, resulting in effective participation in rangelands rehabilitation and improvement of sustainable participatory management of rangelands.

Arabian Pastoralist Communities(APCN) Network Meeting

This can happen through mainstreaming and networking with civil society organizations, researchers, experts, decision makers and other stakeholders and networks.

To maximize the benefits in rangelands development, IUCN cooperate with the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) who works under the umbrella of League of Arab States (LAS) to adopt the APCN.

Through this cooperation, IUCN and AOAD proposed a mechanism and frameworks for the APCN and defined the work plan for the upcoming year based on the recommendations and suggestions of APCN members.