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IUCN Africa Conservation Forum 2024

African Solutions for Nature and People: Creating transformative responses to the biodiversity and climate crisis in Africa.

IUCN is convening the Africa Conservation Forum (ACF) which is one of the leading regional platforms to strategically influence the sustainability agenda and biodiversity conservation. The Forum brings together IUCN Members and multi stakeholders to discuss some of the most pressing environmental conservation issues in Africa. It also provides an avenue for sharing information and knowledge, building partnerships, and connecting key stakeholders from different parts of Africa.

The IUCN Africa Conservation Forum is organised by the three IUCN offices according to sub-regions in
Africa: West and Central Africa (PACO), North Africa (Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation - MED), and
Eastern and Southern Africa (ESARO). To find out more about how you can participate, please visit our IUCN Engage page or send an email to [email protected].
