IBRRI Wetland Management

wetlandPhoto: © Bampen Chaiyarak


Under Operational Objective 2: Support integrated management of Ramsar Sites and other wetlands and ensure the conservation of key wetlands species in the region

All five IBRRI countries have held training on the Ramsar Site Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (R-METT), a rapid assessment tool intended to provide an overview of the status of Ramsar sites and other wetlands.

The IBRRI countries have been working to develop or update the management plans of designated Ramsar sites or other important wetlands. Cambodia designated Anlung Pring Protected Landscape as East-Asian-Australasian Flyway Network Site (EAAFNS). Plan to nominate Ang Tropeang Thmor and Boeung Prek Lapov Protected Landscapes as EAAFNS.

IBRRI Species Conservation

  • Lao PDR
    • BirdLife International- Worked with Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to survey bird hunting in the Mekong floodplains of Lao PDR.
  • Myanmar
    • BirdLife International- Worked with BANCA and EAAFP to survey bird hunting activities on the Irrawaddy floodplains, important wintering grounds for the Baer’s Pochard, and support work to engage local communities near Nanthar Island on the establishment of a new protected area.
    • Flora and Fauna International- Identified six potential Ramsar sites in the Ayeyarwaddy River section of the central dry zone with the Forest and the Fisheries Departments.