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Our Work

CEESP’s natural and social scientists, environmental and economic policy experts, and practitioners in community-based conservation provide IUCN with critical resources to meet the challenges of twenty-first century nature and natural resource conservation and the goal of shaping a sustainable future. Our work represents the crossroads of conservation and development. 


The work of the Commission is organised into Regions and Themes that focus on key directions to meet CEESP's mandate. Specialist GroupsTask Forces and Working Groups each operate under a related Theme.

  • Thematic Groups work on broad areas of enquiry and key directions towards meeting the Commission mandate and are expected to remain part of the Commission programme beyond one intersessional period.

  • Specialist Groups work on long term activities relating to specific topics of study addressed by the Commission mandate.

  • Working Groups work on a specific issue or area of activity, mandated by a Steering Committee, Committee, Thematic Group, Specialist Group or Task Force.

  • Task Forces work on a specific issue, usually within a determined time period.

Explore the Regions we work in with the menu on your left.

Explore the Themes, Specialist Groups, Working Groups, and Task Forces on our Groups page.

CEESP Org Chart


CEESP's members contribute to a Commission Newsletter that comes out a few times each year. The CEESP Newsletter aims to convey updates, efforts, and news from our members that relate to the goals of the Commission. 

Policy Matters

Policy Matters is a peer reviewed journal published electronically and in print by CEESP. Policy Matters is published to encourage in-depth research and analysis into issues within the wide spectrum of issues included in the Commission’s mandate. Each edition of Policy Matters addresses a specific theme and appoints an editorial team and peer reviewers based on their expertise in the subject matter. For more information, including accessing back copies of past Policy Matters editions, see below.