Marine Protected Area Agency Partnership (MPAAP)
The MPAAP is a partnership of MPA Agencies from around the world. Every national MPA agency is invited to participate in this collaborative work. IUCN is an historical partner of the MPAAP and contributes to build this network of Agencies in charge of MPA management, sharing best practices and lessons learnt. IUCN is providing this web space to host the MPAAP official webpages and serve as a reference point for external audiences as well as to facilitate exchanges between members.
About the MPAAP
The Marine Protected Area Agency Partnership (MPAAP) is an informal, high-level venue for senior government officials from national marine protected area (MPA) agencies to discuss common issues and explore opportunities for cooperation. MPAAP members collaborate and share information and best practices related to the management of MPAs, including science and socio-economic benefits.
The MPAAP met virtually during CBD COP16, on 22 October 2024. The summary of the meeting is available as well as the Messages for the COP16 from the Partnership. At this occasion, the roadmap towards IMPAC6 was presented by the host country, Senegal, which will welcome the international community for the 6th international MPA congress in 2027.
MPAAP members and membership
Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Spain, South Africa, the United Kingdom (U.K.), the United States (USA) and IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme (observer).
Read more about the membership benefits and possible areas for collaboration
See MPAAP Member Country Profiles
Geographical distribution of membership (as of May 2020)

Members meetings
MPAAP members meet on the sidelines of other major multilateral events (e.g. IUCN World Conservation Congress, International Marine Protected Area Congresses). Secretariat responsibilities rotate annually or biannually among the members. MPAAP’s collective voice delivers a powerful, science-based message on the need to invest in MPAs to protect and promote a healthy ocean – and all the benefits it provides -- for current and future generations.
The current MPAAP Secretariat is represented by NOAA (USA), in coordination with the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) and the Chilean Ministry of Environment. For further information or to request to join please contact: [email protected] and/or [email protected]
Proceedings of past International Marine Protected Areas Congresses (IMPAC)
The vision and the core principles for the IMPAC congresses consists of organising a high-quality and professionally-coordinated international event with the primary aim of allowing MPA managers and practitioners to exchange ideas and learn from others, in order to issue recommendations and assist in the establishment and ongoing implementation of a global, ecologically representative system of effectively managed and lasting network of MPAs, in coherence with the sustainable development of coastal and maritime activities.
The IMPAC Congress was held for the first time in Geelong in Australia in 2005, successfully organized by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and Parks of Australia.
The second edition in Washington (USA), in 2009, was organized by NOAA.
IMPAC3, the third edition, was organized in France, in October 2013, in Marseille and Corsica (Ajaccio), by the French Marine Protected Areas Agency, under the leadership of IUCN.
The Fourth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC4), took place in La Serena-Coquimbo, in September 2017, with the theme ‘Marine Protected Areas: Bringing the Ocean and People Together’, and was followed by a high-level meeting in Viña del Mar.
IMPAC3 Executive summary (2013, France)
IMPAC4 Executive summary (2017, Chile)