IUCN ROWA 09th Regional Conservation Forum (RCF)
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature/ The Regional Office for West Asia and in collaboration with the Environment Protection Authority EPA in Kuwait were organizing a training workshop on “Documenting and monitoring ecosystems using Geographic Information Systems and Remote…
The main purpose of this project is to document all the biodiversity elements in the State of Kuwait based on collecting previous records and updating the biodiversity components through selected field surveys. The project also aims at raising the capacity of the EPA staff in biodiversity…
The three main areas of work set out by the IUCN Programme 2017–2020 together with the priorities identified by our Members and partners in the West Asia region constitute the framework for the projects and activities developed and implemented by the IUCN Regional Office for West Asia (IUCN ROWA…
The entirety of protected area management and governance has been available in one book since the IUCN World Parks Congress 2014, in Sydney. The Spanish version of this publication, 'Protected Area Governance and Management’, was launched in Lima, on 15 October 2019, at the third Latin American…