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Monitoring and Documentation of Biodiversity in Kuwait

The main purpose of this project is to document all the biodiversity elements in the State of Kuwait based on collecting previous records and updating the biodiversity components through selected field surveys. The project also aims at raising the capacity of the EPA staff in biodiversity research and introducing them to modern techniques and most recent research standards and procedures.  The project outcomes will also contribute to establishing a biodiversity database that will enhance the decision making process related to protected areas and biodiversity conservation.


The general objectives of this project include the following:

  1. Developing a long term plan for inventory and taxonomic study of Kuwait’s biodiversity.
  2. Providing technical training for national teams in different fields including biodiversity research methods, taxonomy and biodiversity monitoring.
  3. Establishing a national biodiversity database that is linked with the state’s research and educational institutions. The database will contribute to the following: identifying the ecological hot spots and priority sites for conservation, monitoring the implementation of the obligations of the State of Kuwait towards regional and international conventions related to biodiversity conservation (The International Convention on Biological Diversity, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, and Convention for the Conservation of wildlife and natural habitats in the Gulf Cooperation Council States).
  • Funded by: The Environment Public Authority (EPA)
  • Implemented and executed by: IUCN ROWA