Artículo | 06 Nov, 2018

CEC Deputy Chair visited China and Shared Nature Education Experiences with University Students and Foresters.

Upon request from Chinese Society of Forestry (CSF) - both an IUCN member organization and a #NatureForAll partner - deputy chair of CEC, Katalin Czippan visited two provinces together with another 10 international and national experts. Katalin shared the main findings of #NatureForAll synthesis report and nature education best practices from Europe with 1000+ university students majoring on forestry or conservation and foresters working with nature reserves.

In China, three top responsibilities of nature reserves are: conservation, scientific research and education. Among them, education has not been given enough attention in compare with conservation and research. It is of great importance for China’s conservation work, especially since China started developing its national parks system in recent five years.

During the visit to nature reserves and forest farms in Shanxi Province and Liaoning Province, local forest officials expressed their desire of strengthening conservation education. Katalin Czippan shared her thoughts and reflections on principles for public education at nature reserves and introduced some good nature and forest education initiatives from Europe.

The trip is organized by CEC Regional Vice Chair for East Asia, Hanying Li and IUCN member organization Chinese Forest Society.

Dr. Tibor Standovar of Hungarian Loránd Eötvös University also joined Katalin in the trip to China and shared his experience on forest ecology and the challanges of controlling invasive species 

For more information contact Hanying Li 

Hanying Li, IUCN CEC Steering CommitteePhoto: CEC
Hanying Li, IUCN CEC Regional Vice Chair for East Asia, is a passionate development professional with a strong interest in environmental education, communications and public campaigns gained over a period of 21 years. Hanying's professional career includes 15 years of experience working in China on policy advocacy, communications and fundraising. In addition, for over five years she promoted sustainable conservation in the Greater Indian Ocean area and implemented a fundraising strategy in the Asia Pacific region.