IUCN Asia Regional Conservation Forum Sponsorship Opportunities

IUCN is offering an exclusive opportunity to a limited number of its partner organisations and companies to be part of the Regional Conservation Forum from 6 to 8 November 2019 in Islamabad, Pakistan.


The involvement and financial support of Forum partners is critical to ensuring widespread participation in this gathering, by funding the costs for experts and civil society organisations from all across Asia to attend. Partner support of the Forum is not just support for a one-time event; it also represents ongoing support to the efforts of IUCN Asia's Member organizations as they work to create a more sustainable Asia.

By supporting the RCF, your organisation/company will have the opportunity to:

  • Interact with leading figures from governments, non-governmental organisations, academia, and the private sector;

  • Learn from Asia's leading environmental and development experts end explore how you can use IUCN's cutting edge conservation and resilience approaches and tools;

  • Develop new partnerships for sustainability;

  • Become involved in local and national projects, regional initiatives and policy development;

  • Build long-term partnerships with IUCN;

  • Gain significant recognition among Asia's conservation community and beyond;

  • Showcase your work; and,

  • Make a concrete demonstration of your organisation/company’s commitment to sustainability


1. Sponsor an IUCN Member's Side Event - US$20,000

2. Sponsor a Special Partnership Event - US$30,000

3. Sponsor a Dinner for All Forum Participants - US$15,000

4. Become a Conservation Partner - US$50,000

To learn more about the Sponsorship Packages, click here.