Committee documents
This page contains reports on activities prepared by IUCN Council-recognised Committees, as required by Regulation 66 (d) of the IUCN Statutes and Regulations, as well as other documents supporting IUCN regional and national committees.
Recognised Regional Committee Reports
- (2017-2020)
- (2018)
- (2017)
- (2016)
- (2016) (in Spanish)
- (2016)
Recognised National Committee Reports
- National Committee of the Netherlands - 2020 Annual Report
- (in French)
- (in Spanish)
- (in Spanish)
Other publications:
- Planning offshore wind projects (published by the National Committee of France)
- Planification des projets éoliens en mer (published by the National Committee of France)
- Les Solutions fondées sur la Nature pour les risques gravitaires et incendie en France - NbS for gravity and fire risk in France (published by the National Committee of France)
- La Liste rouge des araignées de France métropolitaine - the IUCN RedList of Spiders of France (published by the National Committee of France)
- Maintaining Australia’s Natural Wealth – Priorities for Terrestrial Conservation (published by the National Committee of Australia).