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Effective management of Wadi El-Rayan and Qarun protected areas

The Project aims to improve the management effectiveness of Wadi El-Rayan Protected Area and Qarun Protected Area through community involvement and capacity building”. 


This objective will be achieved through the following component: 

  • Component 1: Strengthen management capacities of targeted PAs for the conservation of threatened and important species and their habitats.
  • Outcome 1.1 - Improved management effectiveness (strengthened PA management tools, processes, and capacities) demonstrated at two targeted PAs (Wadi El-Rayan and Lake Qarun).
  • Component 2: Establish effective community participation in PA management and conservation/management of natural resources.
  • Outcome 2.1 - Participatory approaches to PA management have strengthened PA management and reduced unsustainable resource uses in areas within and adjacent to two targeted PAs (Wadi El-Rayan and Lake Qarun).


  • Funded by: The Global Environment Facility (GEF)
  • Implemented by: UN Environment
  • In collaboration with: The Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) & IUCN ROWA.