Reverse the Red

Reverse the Red is a global movement that ignites strategic cooperation and action to ensure the survival of wild species and ecosystems.

Data-driven and collaborative, we provide the tools and partnerships to unite stakeholders and catalyse conservation impact.

Reverse the Red aims to reverse the current negative trends in species survival highlighted by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and Ecosystems. Reverse the Red aims to ignite optimism and collaborative action to guarantee the survival of all species we share this planet with, and the ecosystems they live in and to empower communities around the world to make this happen.

© Javier Melgar /Oklahoma Zoo
When we pool our knowledge and work together with focus,
we can save species

Whether we’re government agencies,  NGOs, zoos, aquaria, botanical gardens or multinational agreements, we all have a role to play.


Unite tools and partnerships to catalyse conservation efforts and support countries in delivering Convention of Biological Diversity targets 


Reverse the Red is a global movement that ignites strategic action and optimism to ensure the survival of species and ecosystems.


Always optimistic
Always evidence-based
Always collaborative


When we pool our knowledge and work together with the appropriate tools, we can save species. With focus and passion, we can be the first generation to stop biodiversity decline.

How –The strategy

Reverse the Red's strategy seeks to work with key partners around the world to achieve the following objectives:

  • Mobilizing national networks: Increase capacity at the national level for target-based biodiversity assessments, planning and action; by bringing together RtR networks of National Species Specialist Groups, Species Survival Centers, government agencies and civil society partners to jointly address national biodiversity priorities and achieve the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework.
  • Empowering communities: Motivate diverse communities to feel hopeful and take action to protect biodiversity. 
  • Measuring impact: Create a platform that facilitates the integration of tools that combine measurements of progress and prioritization to contribute meaningful and standardized data that synergizes with Convention of Biological Diversity efforts.
  • Amplifying success: Create and showcase stories that  celebrate best practices, key learnings and impactful results which resonate and generate optimism and hope for undertaking species conservation projects

It’s time for you to join us to stop biodiversity decline. For further information, please visit