IUCN WCPA Good Practice Guidelines on Protected and Conserved Areas Series
We have developed guidelines for practitioners after widespread consultation on global practices, covering a range of topics related to protected and conserved areas. We currently have 32 Good Practice Guidelines publications.

Newest to oldest:
No. |
Title |
36 | Guidance on other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs), (2024) |
35 | |
34 | |
33 | The World at Night (2024) |
32 |
31 |
Guidelines on geoconservation in protected and conserved areas (2020) |
30 |
Guidelines for conserving connectivity through ecological networks and corridors (2020) |
29 |
28 |
27 |
Tourism and visitor management in protected areas: guidelines for sustainability (2018) |
26 |
Large-Scale Marine Protected Areas: guidelines for design and management (2017) |
25 |
Wilderness Protected Areas: Management guidelines for IUCN Category 1b protected areas (2016) |
24 |
Adapting to Climate Change, Guidance for Protected Area Managers and Planners (2016) |
23 |
Transboundary Conservation: A systematic and integrated approach (2015) |
22 |
Urban protected areas: profiles and best practice guidelines (2015) |
21 |
20 |
Governance of protected areas: from understanding to action (2013) |
19 |
*All previous versions are out of date. |
18 |
Ecological restoration for protected areas: principles, guidelines and best practices (2012) |
17 |
Protected area staff training: guidelines for planning and management (2011) *This title is out of date and readers should consult the Global Register of Protected Area Competences. |
16 |
Sacred natural sites: guidelines for protected area managers (2008) *The definitions of protected areas and related concepts in this title are out of date. Readers should consult BPG 21 and later titles for current definitions. |
15 |
*This title is out of date and readers should consult the Global Standard for Key Biodiversity Areas. |
14 |
Evaluating effectiveness: a framework for assessing management effectiveness of protected areas (2006) *The definitions of protected areas and related concepts in this title are out of date. Readers should consult BPG 21 and later titles for current definition. |
13 |
Sustainable financing of protected areas: a global review of challenges and options (2006) *This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information. |
12 |
Forests and protected areas: guidance on the use of the IUCN protected area management categories (2006) *This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information. |
11 |
Indigenous and local communities and protected areas: towards equity and enhanced conservation (2004) *This title is out of date and readers should consult BPG 20 and 21 for more contemporary guidance. |
10 |
Guidelines for Management Planning of Protected Areas (2003) *This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information. |
9 |
Management guidelines for IUCN category V protected areas: protected landscapes/seascapes (2002) *The definitions of protected areas and related concepts in this title are out of date. Readers should consult BPG 21 and later titles for current definitions. |
8 |
Sustainable tourism in protected areas: guidelines for planning and management (2002) *This title is out of date and has been replaced by BPG 27, but may still contain useful background information. |
7 |
*The definitions of protected areas and related concepts in this title are out of date. Readers should consult BPG 23 and later titles for current definitions and best practices. |
6 |
Evaluating effectiveness: a framework for assessing the management of protected areas (2000) *This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information. |
5 |
Financing protected areas: guidelines for protected area managers (2000) *This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information. |
4 |
Indigenous and traditional peoples and protected areas: principles, guidelines and case studies (2000) *This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information. |
3 |
Guidelines for Marine Protected Areas (1999) *The definitions of protected areas and related concepts in this title are out of date. Readers should consult BPG 19 and 21 and later titles for current definitions. |
2 |
Economic values of protected areas: guidelines for protected area managers (1998) *This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information. |
1 |
National System Planning for Protected Areas (1998) *This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information. |