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IUCN WCPA Good Practice Guidelines on Protected and Conserved Areas Series

We have developed guidelines for practitioners after widespread consultation on global practices, covering a range of topics related to protected and conserved areas. We currently have 32 Good Practice Guidelines publications.


Newest to oldest:



36 Guidance on other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs), (2024)

Building trust between rangers and communities (2024)


Recognising territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities (ICCAs) overlapped by protected areas (2024)

33 The World at Night (2024)


Cultural and spiritual significance of nature: guidance for protected and conserved area governance and management (2021)


Guidelines on geoconservation in protected and conserved areas (2020)


Guidelines for conserving connectivity through ecological networks and corridors (2020)


Guidelines for privately protected areas (2018)


Tools for measuring, modelling, and valuing ecosystem services: guidance for Key Biodiversity Areas, natural World Heritage sites, and protected areas (2018)


Tourism and visitor management in protected areas: guidelines for sustainability (2018)


Large-Scale Marine Protected Areas: guidelines for design and management (2017)


Wilderness Protected Areas: Management guidelines for IUCN Category 1b protected areas (2016)


Adapting to Climate Change, Guidance for Protected Area Managers and Planners (2016)


Transboundary Conservation: A systematic and integrated approach (2015)


Urban protected areas: profiles and best practice guidelines (2015)


Guidelines for applying protected area management categories including IUCN WCPA best practice guidance on recognising protected areas and assigning management categories and governance types (2013)


Governance of protected areas: from understanding to action (2013)


Guidelines for applying the IUCN protected area management categories to marine protected areas: second edition (2019) 


*All previous versions are out of date.


Ecological restoration for protected areas: principles, guidelines and best practices (2012)


Protected area staff training: guidelines for planning and management (2011) 


*This title is out of date and readers should consult the Global Register of Protected Area Competences.


Sacred natural sites: guidelines for protected area managers (2008) 


*The definitions of protected areas and related concepts in this title are out of date. Readers should consult BPG 21 and later titles for current definitions.


Identification and gap analysis of key biodiversity areas: targets for comprehensive protected area systems (2007) 


*This title is out of date and readers should consult the Global Standard for Key Biodiversity Areas. 


Evaluating effectiveness: a framework for assessing management effectiveness of protected areas (2006) 


*The definitions of protected areas and related concepts in this title are out of date. Readers should consult BPG 21 and later titles for current definition.


Sustainable financing of protected areas: a global review of challenges and options (2006) 


*This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information.


Forests and protected areas: guidance on the use of the IUCN protected area management categories (2006) 


*This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information.


Indigenous and local communities and protected areas: towards equity and enhanced conservation (2004) 


*This title is out of date and readers should consult BPG 20 and 21 for more contemporary guidance. 


Guidelines for Management Planning of Protected Areas (2003) 


*This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information.


Management guidelines for IUCN category V protected areas: protected landscapes/seascapes (2002) 


*The definitions of protected areas and related concepts in this title are out of date. Readers should consult BPG 21 and later titles for current definitions.


Sustainable tourism in protected areas: guidelines for planning and management (2002) 


*This title is out of date and has been replaced by BPG 27, but may still contain useful background information.


Transboundary protected areas for peace and co-operation: based on the proceedings of workshops held in Bormio (1998) and Gland (2000) (2001) 


*The definitions of protected areas and related concepts in this title are out of date. Readers should consult BPG 23 and later titles for current definitions and best practices.


Evaluating effectiveness: a framework for assessing the management of protected areas (2000) 


*This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information.


Financing protected areas: guidelines for protected area managers (2000)


 *This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information.


Indigenous and traditional peoples and protected areas: principles, guidelines and case studies (2000) 


*This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information.


Guidelines for Marine Protected Areas (1999) 


*The definitions of protected areas and related concepts in this title are out of date. Readers should consult BPG 19 and 21 and later titles for current definitions.


Economic values of protected areas: guidelines for protected area managers (1998) 


*This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information.


National System Planning for Protected Areas (1998) 


*This title is out of date, may not reflect all information on contemporary best practice, but may still contain useful background information.