The journal stems from and is supported by the IUCN WCPA and peer reviewers are primarily drawn from amongst Commission experts and academics in related fields. Papers range from reviews and policy analyses, to relevant research, succinctly reported. Prospective authors are invited to check the author’s guidelines before submitting papers (see: www.parksjournal.com/for-authors/); please also write to the editor if you want to check whether something is likely to be of interest. The editors particularly encourage submissions from practitioners as well as researchers and will work with authors from non-English speaking and non-academic backgrounds to help them develop publishable papers where the ideas and material in the paper are worthy of publication. Papers of primarily local interest and relevance are unlikely to be accepted.
The journal is published online in English, with abstracts in French and Spanish. PARKS does not charge Article Processing Charges or submission charges. PARKS is indexed in Scopus and is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).